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A Judge Has Rejected LGBT+ Asylum To A Gay Man For Not Being ‘Effeminate’ Enough

The case of the asylum seeker in the UK is going to be retried after a judge wrongly ruled he did not have a gay ‘demeanour’.

The man, who has requested to remain anonymous, was told by an appeal judge that he did not “look around the room in an effeminate manner”. 

The judge reportedly went on to say that “on the gay scene younger men are highly valued”.

The man’s asylum claim is set to be reheard after the judges' rule was found that it contained a “material error of law”.

Rehana Popal, the claimant’s barrister, said about the case, and similar ones that “The system has definitely become harsher in recent years. The quality of decision-making has reduced. You come across decisions that are genuinely absurd. You think, how did anyone write this?”

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