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Intersectional excellence: a tribute to Lady Phyll and the power of identity in activism

By Marie-Helene Tyack, Global Diversity & Inclusion Business Partner at Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

Can you share some inspiring stories of individuals from diverse intersectional identities who have made a significant impact on you, or in their communities or fields?

For me one person stands head and shoulders above others in this and that is Lady Phyll. She is a true trailblazer, and her activism has been key in giving visibility to and advocating for LGBTQ+ people of colour in the UK and beyond.  

She is always authentic and genuine in the way she talks about how her identities as a black, lesbian woman intersect and make her who she is. Actually, I would say super woman – the way she injects such passion and unwavering commitment to everything she does is so inspiring. I don’t think I know anyone who works quite as hard as she does!

I have had the privilege of hosting a couple of fireside chats with Lady Phyll (the photo was taken at one last year, as you can tell we had a lot of fun!) – and the way in which she talks about how her path in activism started at an early age and the obstacles she has had to overcome is so uplifting. The work she did while Executive Director of Kaleidoscope Trust (an LGBTQ+ human rights charity) is also amazing – she truly gave a voice to those that couldn’t speak. I am trustee on the Board of Kaleidoscope Trust today and applied inspired by what she had done and wanting to be able to contribute at my little level to the amazing work of the charity.

As co-founder and CEO of UK Black Pride, Lady Phyll has also created a wonderful community there and has done incredible work with them. I went for the first time last year (I know, don’t @me!!) and I had the best day. The feeling of community was so strong – with everyone welcome there – families, allies…everyone, it was just a fantastic day. You really got the feeling that people had been put front and centre of the celebration.

It really has been through her that I have understood what intersectionality really means. In my role I often put together panel discussions and have always said I wanted an intersectional panel. In my mind that meant having different people representing different aspects of diversity, but this is wrong. For it to be truly intersectional I would have to include individuals who have different layers to their identity and explore how these layers interconnect.

Lady Phyll’s commitment to inclusion, diversity and belonging and celebrating the intersectionality of Black and LGBTQ+ identities is not just a source of inspiration, but for many she represents a beacon of hope.

I am very much looking forward to talking to her in New York during Lesbian Visibility Week on this very topic! 

You can learn more about Allianz’s support of Lesbian Visibility Week at the link here.

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