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Celebrating Pansexual Visibility Day

Pansexual Visibility Day is held on 24 May every year to show support to the pansexual and panromantic community. This community is much overlooked, even by other members of the LGBTQ+ community, and there are often misconceptions spread about those who identify as pansexual. So, if you feel as though you need to brush up on your knowledge of the pansexual community, look no further!

Image Credit: Canva


What Does Being Pansexual Mean?

Pansexuality is sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity. To be panromantic is to experience this without the element of sexual attraction. Research from Stonewall indicates that around 1% of the population identifies as pansexual. However, the data also showed that people from Gen Z are 4x more likely to identify as pansexual than previous generations, suggesting that the overall number will increase. 


How is Pansexuality Different to Bisexuality? 

Pansexual people feel that gender and sex are not determining factors in their experience of sexual or romantic attraction, whereas bisexual people are specifically attracted to both men and women, or to more than one sex or gender.


Famous Pansexual People

There are many prominent figures who openly identify as pansexual, providing young queer people with fantastic role models and representation. Just a handful of celebrities who identify as pansexual include:

- Miley Cyrus

- YungBlud

- Janelle Monae

- Bella Thorne

- Joe Lycett

- Courtney Act

- Demi Lovato


Supporting the Pansexual Community

Show your support for the pansexual community on Pansexual Visibility Day and beyond! Help to educate people who may not be aware of what pansexuality is, listen and learn from the perspectives of pansexual people, and help give a platform to marginalized voices from the community.

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