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Colonial Williamsburg To Offer LGBT+ History Lessons

Colonial Williamsburg Foundation will soon offer lessons and guides showing the lives of queer inhabitants in the 1700s, ‘Advocate’ reports. 

“Human beings who operate outside of sexual and gender expectations have always existed within and contributed to our history,” wrote Beth Kelly, vice president of Education, Research, and Historical Interpretation at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. “Sharing this history is vital if we are committed to telling a holistic narrative of our past.”

Inclusion of LGBT+ history has been a suggestion from LGBT+ staff for years, and now it looks like it is about to become reality. 

A committee is currently researching the history of “gender and sexually non-conforming people” to be included in books and guides. 

Read related myGwork articles here:

Illinois Adds LGBT+ History in School Curriculum

Why LGBT-Inclusive Education Matters

Illinois Votes on Teaching LGBT+ History in Schools

Olly Alexander Uses Glastonbury Stage to Thank LGBT+ Campaigners from History

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