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Costa Rica to allow transgender people to change gender on passports

Costa Rica’s Supreme Electoral Court has ruled in favour of allowing trans people to change the gender on their passports and official documents to match their gender identity. They have announced this will be achieved by a simple and free procedure.


The Central American country has allowed trans people to change their names on official documents since 2013, but not their gender. Activists have praised this ruling as a huge step forward.


This ruling follows the re-election of pro-same-sex marriage president, Carlos Alvardo. Carlos Alvarado won a sound 60 percent of the vote, compared to his opponent Fabricio Alvarado’s 39 percent. Fabricio had called the marriage equality “an affront to traditional values… We have to stand up to those who want to trample on the family.” 

After winning Carlos wrote in twitter: “Today, the world is watching us, and we sent a beautiful democratic message.”

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