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Donations Desperately Needed to Keep the UK’s Only Trans Center Open

The Trans Pride Centre – the UK’s only trans-focused center run by trans people – will have to close its doors for good unless it raises £27,500 to keep it open to provide vital support services for the trans and non-binary community.


The center, launched by Trans Pride Brighton last year, provides a safe and welcoming space for trans and non-binary people, their friends, families and allies to gather, seeking advice and information, and access necessary support services and resources. However, it is under threat of closing down for good in March next year, depriving the most vulnerable in the trans community from valuable services unless it raises much-needed funds needed to keep it open. 

Trans Pride Brighton, which signed the lease for the Trans Pride Centre last year, has launched a campaign to raise enough money to keep this vital space open for another year. This money will be used to pay the rent, keep the lights and heating on, and pay for a community centre manager one day a week. 


“All we need is to get through the next year, keep the doors open and have the space to plan our next steps to secure our future. Only with your help can we reopen the centre for the most vulnerable this winter season for those in need of our support,” stated Sarah Savage, Co-founder and Chair of Trans Pride Brighton. “I’m shocked at how vulnerable some trans people are. You know, you read the stats and figures about how trans people are more likely to be homeless or forced into drugs or sex work just to survive, but its another thing to know these people's names, look into their eyes and know some of their horrific stories, knowing the most we can do is give them a hot meal, a bag of donated cosmetics and a referral to the council.”

Without immediate help, we’re going lose the Trans Pride Centre, our community will lose the only ‘by trans people, for trans people’ space it has,” stressed Savage. “We have consulted with our community and for the first time in our history have agreed to open up to offers of donations and sponsorship from companies who can show how much they support trans and non-binary people. I can’t explain how much potential this unlocks for our charity. We need your support now or the danger is that the trans community will lose one of its most important assets. If six companies donated five thousand each, our goal would be reached. We CAN reopen the centre for the most vulnerable this Christmas and New Year season, but ONLY with your help.”  

So far, the center has raised only a few hundred pounds, and needs the LGBTQ+ community and allies to rally together and donate. Let’s work together to keep the center open so it can continue to provide much-needed services to the most vulnerable in the trans and non-binary community. All donations will be gratefully received. Click here to donate.

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