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Finding the Perfect Fit: How to Land a Job at an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Organization

As society progresses towards inclusivity and acceptance, many job seekers are searching for opportunities at organizations that prioritize diversity, including LGBTQ+ inclusion. Graduates, in particular, often have a strong desire to contribute to workplaces that align with their values. This article will explore practical strategies and tips to help recent graduates find a job at an LGBTQ+ inclusive organization, allowing them to make a positive impact and thrive in their careers.

Image Credit: Shingi Rice


Research and Identify Inclusive Organizations 

The first step for any job seeker is to research and identify organizations that actively promote LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Start by using online job boards and professional networks that focus on diversity and inclusion. myGwork is a fantastic site for achieving just this, with easy access to lots of LGBTQ+ friendly jobs and opportunities, as well as the ability to network with other LGBTQ+ professionals and allies.

Additionally, LGBTQ+ advocacy groups often provide resources, such as inclusive employer lists or indexes, which can help direct your search. Take the time to read about an organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion on their website, paying close attention to their LGBTQ+ policies, employee resource groups, and community engagement activities.


Sign up to WorkFair 2023

Coming up this October, myGwork is organizing the third annual WorkFair, the largest virtual global career fair for the LGBTQ+ community. For those who wish to connect and network with dozens of inclusive employers, this is an unmissable opportunity. This is the perfect chance to improve your job-searching skills and take part in interviews with huge global companies - completely free of charge! 

With career workshops featuring professional recruitment teams, real-time responses to job postings, and full support from the start and throughout, this is an opportunity you will not want to miss out on. You can pursue these organizations and career opportunities, safe with the knowledge that every employer involved strives for inclusivity. LGBTQ+ applicants in particular can feel at ease, knowing that they will not be affected by any discriminatory bias in the application process. PlayStation, Santander and Warner Bros. Discovery are among the dozens of employers you can expect to see hiring at the WorkFair. 


Utilize Networking and Panels

Networking is a powerful tool for career advancement, and it is especially effective when seeking LGBTQ+ inclusive organizations. Reach out to professionals working in your desired field, including LGBTQ+ professionals, through platforms like myGwork. Engage in panels where you can ask questions about an organization's LGBTQ+ inclusivity efforts, work culture, and any relevant positions. These conversations can help you gain insights into the company's values, gauge their commitment to inclusion, and potentially discover unadvertised job opportunities. 


Tailor Your Applications 

To stand out from the competition, it is crucial to tailor your applications to LGBTQ+ inclusive organizations. Highlight experiences, coursework, or projects that demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Emphasize any volunteer work or leadership roles you've held with LGBTQ+ organizations, indicating how these experiences have shaped your perspectives and skills. Use inclusive language and avoid assumptions about gender identity or sexual orientation in both your resume and cover letter. Showcasing your understanding and respect for LGBTQ+ communities will demonstrate your cultural competence and increase your chances of securing an interview. 


Join LGBTQ+ Professional Networks

Joining LGBTQ+ professional associations or communities is an excellent way to connect with like-minded individuals and gain access to exclusive job opportunities. Research organizations such as Out & Equal, Lesbians Who Tech, or the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Attend virtual conferences or panels, seminars, or local events hosted by these associations to network directly with employers looking to hire LGBTQ+ talent. The connections you make through such events can provide valuable guidance and referrals, leading to potential job opportunities.

Image Credit: Shingi Rice

Prepare for your Interviews 

Before your interview, research interview questions and prepare appropriate responses. Showcase your understanding of allyship, pronouns, and inclusive workplace practices. Be prepared to discuss LGBTQ+ issues and share personal anecdotes that demonstrate your commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity. Show enthusiasm for the organization's LGBTQ+ initiatives and goals, highlighting how your skills and experience align with their mission. Remember to be respectful and inclusive in your language and reactions throughout the interview process. 

Finding a job at an LGBTQ+ inclusive organization requires research, strategic networking, and a tailored application approach. By actively seeking opportunities, leveraging professional associations, and demonstrating your commitment to diversity and inclusion, you can increase your chances of landing the perfect job that aligns with your values.

The third annual WorkFair hosted by myGwork will take place later this year, on October 18. Make the most of this chance by signing up and finding out what opportunities there are with organizations who are looking to hire inclusively.

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