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Gay Dating App Romeo Becomes A Lifeline For Ukrainians

Gay dating app Romeo received an “incredible response” after it asked users to help people in Ukraine who might be fleeing the country.

The app launched a group called Haven for Ukraine last week after Russia invaded the country, which quickly gained thousands of members.

Aiming to connect those who “can offer shelter and assistance” to refugees fleeing the country, Romeo users began offering their spare rooms or homes across Europe, from the Czech Republic to Italy.

According to Olxpraca, there have been offers from users willing to travel miles to the Italian border to pick up those in need of shelter, as well as offers of sanctuary to Russians “who are opposed to the war and/or are fleeing the Putin government as a result.”

“We are an international team, with people from all over the world. Many of us have experienced war and oppression. “What we do is connect people, so we looked at how we could use the platform to connect people in need with our users who are willing to help.”

The app added that as many men in Ukraine have been forced to stay in the country and fight, the offer of refuge is “not just for men, it’s for their parents, sisters, children.”

Oleksandra, whose last name has been withheld to protect her identity, added: “When this started, I was in shock… I didn’t know what to do, where to run, if I would be able to run, what would happen to my friends.”

He explained that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could jeopardize the country’s few but difficult LGBTQ+ rights.

“I really think it will continue to get better [for the LGBTQ+ community] in Ukraine,” he said. “I was thinking about moving to another country a few years ago, but right now I don’t want to leave Ukraine, even if it’s difficult, because it’s my country, it’s my people. I have friends here."

He added: “Russia is also an incredibly queerphobic country, that is a fact. When the invasion started, my roommate said that he would be more afraid of you if the Russians came here because they would kill your people first.

“It’s horrible, but we’ll make it. Queer people in Ukraine will have it better. I am horrified, I am anxious, but I also feel hope for my country.”

Lenny Emson, director of Kyiv Pride, said RosaNews that LGBTQ+ people, and Ukrainian society in general, are ready to “step forward against aggression.”

“At this point we are united,” says Emson. “No matter what your gender identity is, what your sexual orientation is, all of us together, we are taking a step forward.”

Read related myGwork articles here:

“A War Within A War”: Trans Woman Says Transphobia And Discriminatory Laws Keeping Her Hostage In Kyiv During Russian Invasion

Israel's Agudah Launches Emergency Fundraiser for LGBTQ+ Ukrainians

Ukrainian LGBTQ+ Activists Fought And Captured A Group Of Russian Soldiers

OutRight Launches Fundraiser For LGBTQ+ People In Ukraine After Russia’s Invasion

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