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Georgette Gomez Could Be The First LGBTQ+ Latina Congresswoman In US History

California Democrat Georgette Gomez, could be the first LGBTQ+ Latina congresswoman in US history. President of the San Diego Council, Gomez grew up not too far from Mexico, with her parents, both undocumented, working multiple jobs to make ends meet all while raising a small family. Now, the candidate is taking the hardworking lessons she learned as a child and using them to try and transform the American political playing field.

Speaking to 'NBC News', the 43-year-old opened up about her political ambitions, with a focus on immigration reform and environmental issues.

“It’s something that I’ve been fighting for and will continue to push forward, to defend immigrants, to defend immigrant rights, to move this country to start addressing comprehensive immigration reform,” she said.

Gomez was elected to the city council in 2016 and appointed as president two years later. During her run, the city councilwoman has been endorsed by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC), Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Senator Bernie Sanders.

In an effort to make amenities and rights more accessible to the everyday user, Gomez introduced ordinance against landlords making it illegal for them discriminate against renters who reply on federal housing assistance or those who attempt to force evictions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Gomez was proud of her achievement, saying: “Our state, our city, our nation should be inclusive of all our community members, and they should be allowed to live wherever they are able to find a home that they can afford.”

As a campaigner of environmental justice and former environmental justice group organiser, Gomez hopes to push San Diego towards a goal of 100% renewables by 2035.

Gomez, who identifies as queer, will make history in becoming the first openly LGBT+ Latina in Congress, if elected. Councilwomen Gomez is part of a surge of LGBT+ candidate that will be on the ballot next month, as ‘Gay Times’ report. 

“We need to ensure that we’re electing more progressives that are rooted in community, that understand and have lived through the issues that a majority of our constituents are living through,” Gomez said. As a potential future congresswoman, Gomez stands firmly on policies that promise to diversify everyday politics for the everyday American.

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