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Hallmark Channel Confirms Film Featuring A Lesbian Wedding

The Hallmark Channel has announced it will include a lesbian wedding for the very first time in its upcoming movie “Wedding Every Weekend”. Although a number of people applauded the decision on social media, others were not as happy with the announcement.

“Thank you Hallmark Channel USA!,” commented one man on Facebook. “It’s time for all the ignorant people who judge you for being of the present time to align, represent and see us is in a loving way and make us a part of your movie lineups to tell stories where we are families just like everyone else with the same struggles trying to keep our homes and loved ones safe.”

“Absolutely LOVE that Hallmark is becoming more diverse and inclusive," added another commentator. "Good riddance to those that choose to stop watching the channel because of it. ... There are plenty of us still here to support Hallmark!”

One Million Moms, a division of the socially conservative American Family Association, is among the vocal opponents of Hallmark's LGBTQ-inclusive movie. The group — which according to its website is “fed up with the filth many segments of our society, especially the entertainment media, are throwing at our children” — started a petition to get its supporters to boycott the channel.

“The once conservative network has recently caved to LGBTQ pressure and has done a one-eighty from the wholesome content the channel once aired, and the network is now catering to the Left,” the petition, which had been signed by approximately 56,000 people as of Monday morning, states. “So many people feel betrayed by Hallmark over these past seven months. Hallmark Channel was one of the remaining channels that families could watch without being bombarded by politically correct commercials and the LGBTQ agenda.”

As ‘NBC News’ reports, the petition also states that the group felt misled by Hallmark's description of “Wedding Every Weekend,” which does not mention that the movie features a same-sex couple. 

The lesbian wedding scene is shown for a couple of seconds in a preview of the film, posted to the Hallmark Channel's YouTube page last Wednesday. Hallmark also posted a still from the movie of the couple to its Facebook page Friday.

“Tune in to an all-new premiere! Amanda (Carmel Amit) and Vicky (Makayla Moore) celebrate their special day in one of the many weddings taking place in 'Wedding Every Weekend,’” the post read.

George Zaralidis, the vice president of network program publicity at Hallmark's parent company, Crown Media Family Networks, previously said that the network was looking forward to “making some exciting programming announcements in the coming months, including announcements about projects featuring LGBTQ storylines, characters, and actors.”

‘Wedding Every Weekend’ premieres Aug. 15 on the Hallmark Channel.

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