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HIV Positive Pilot Goes Public

An HIV positive pilot has decided to reveal his identity in an attempt to tackle the stigma which surrounds people with HIV. 

James Busche used to go by the pseudonym “Pilot Anthony” on Twitter when wanting to hide his identity and talk about the battles he faced wanting to become a pilot. 

To start with, Busche was not allowed to train because he could not get a medical certificate.

“The reason is that the CAA considered there was a risk of that HIV positive person becoming incapacitated during the flight, potentially. That rule would also have covered other conditions, like diabetes.

"The evidence for this was studies done in the early 90s.

"Someone that is on successful treatment and living with HIV now, is undetectable. They can't pass that virus on to others and they pose no risk to themselves or anyone around them.

"It didn't make any sense. I wanted to challenge it.”

Busche took the fight to the CAA and they did eventually overturn their ruling. 

Now, “people with HIV will be eligible to receive a certificate that allows them to fly, but restricts them to multi-pilot operations,” as ‘BBC’ reports. 

Busche is now the first newly-qualified pilot in Europe living with HIV. 

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