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Illinois Votes on Teaching LGBT+ History in Schools

The House of Representatives in Illinois have voted to teach LGBT+ history in state schools, reports National Public Radio (NPR).


The bill will make it mandatory for history books to include “the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State.” 


The bill was passed 60 to 42.


Democrat representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowit spoke to NPR about her gay brother who had been reprimanded for talking about his sexuality and the sexuality of historical figures.


“He was subjected to hate mail and called into the principal’s office to explain why he answered a student’s question honestly,” she said.


“My brother was teaching history and a student asked whether the historical figure there was the subject of the lesson was gay. He answered with the truth.”


LGBT+ activists hope this bill will lead to a drop in LGBT+ bullying in schools and a greater understand of the community.


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