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Jewish Judge Calls LGBT+ Teaching An “Abomination”

A retired Jewish judge, Gabriel Krausz, has said that Jewish people of faith should “give up their lives” rather than accept and follow new guidelines from the government to add LGBT+ history in the school curriculum. He described LGBT+ relationships as an “abomination”.

According to the ‘BBC’, “Mr. Krausz was angered by an Ofsted decision to give Beis Yaakov, an orthodox Jewish girls' school in neighbouring Salford, a "requires improvement" rating partly because pupils were not being taught about sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Speaking to the BBC, Mr. Krausz said: "Those four letters - LGBT - are an abomination according to the Torah.

"It's not just my position. It's the position of the whole orthodox community.

"When it comes to contradicting the laws of our holy Torah we have to stand firm and we can't give in. We must be prepared to sacrifice our lives.”

He added that "we don't try to offend anybody", but insists that the laws of the Torah could not be changed "even if that means giving up our lives or going to prison”.

"The Torah writes about homosexuality, that it is an abomination. We are just repeating what it says,” he added.

Flyers like the one below were sent to ultra-Orthodox faith schools by Mr. Krausz:

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