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Jude Law defends decision to not show Dumbledore’s homosexuality in new films

Jude Law has broken his silence on the controversial decision to not show Dumbledore as “explicitly gay” in the new ‘Harry Potter’ spin-off films ‘Fantastic Beasts’. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly Law remained deliberately vague about the subject, deflecting and saying sexual orientation isn’t the only thing that matters about the iconic character he will be playing.

“As with humans, your sexuality doesn’t necessarily define you; he’s multifaceted. What you got to remember this is only the second Fantastic Beasts film in a series, and what’s brilliant about [J.K. Rowling’s] writing is how she reveals her characters, peels them to the heart over time…

“We learn a little about his past in the beginning of this film, and characters and their relationships will unfold naturally which I’m excited to reveal. But we’re not going to reveal everything all at once.”

The decision to not depict Dumbledore as gay somewhat cheapens J.K. Rowling’s famous 2007 reveal that he was in love, and then betrayed, by the evil wizard Gellert Grindelwald (played in the new film by Johnny Depp) – especially since Rowling is the one writing the new scripts. It seems when the time came to it, Rowling simply wasn’t willing to put her money where her mouth is.

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