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Kennedys renews its GAIN partnership: increasing awareness of neurodiversity

Kennedys is delighted to announce the renewal of our partnership with GAIN - Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity. This key partnership aims to help us raise awareness of the importance of neuro-inclusion in the workplace.

Our mission is to foster a workplace culture that celebrates neurodiversity, recognising the unique strengths and perspectives that individuals with diverse neurological profiles bring. Through education, accommodation, and support, we strive to create an inclusive environment where every individual feels valued, empowered, and able to thrive.

GAIN supports neurodivergent individuals as well as parents, carers, and family members of neurodivergent individuals. Gary Brankin and Rachel Moore, who are Partner Sponsors of the PACT network, are proud to support and take part in this GAIN's campaign this year by sharing their experiences.

Throughout Neurodiversity Celebration Week GAIN will be sharing videos introducing neurodiversity and a podcast series.

What else are we doing to drive greater neurodiversity and disability inclusion at Kennedys?

1) In 2023, we set up a working group on disability and neurodiversity inclusion, which meets regularly. We are in the process of piloting a workplace adjustments passport which aims to ensure individuals and their line manager have a record of what accommodations have been agreed but also aims to minimise the need to discuss accommodations each time an individual changes roles or relocates. 

2) In 2023, we partnered with Neurobox (neurodiversity and disability specialist) and piloted disability awareness training for HR, employees, managers, and IT in early 2024. We aim to roll this out more broadly.

3) We set up a neurodiversity intranet page in 2022 to help raise awareness about neurodiversity, encourage more open discussions and provide tips on how to be more inclusive and supportive of colleagues.  

4) We have signed up to the Mansfield Disability Inclusion Commitments both in the UK and the US. Part of the commitment is attending monthly Knowledge Sharing Calls with Diversity Lab leaders and other DE&I professional in the industry. Members of our Responsible Business and HR teams attend these calls in order to further their education on disability inclusion matters, and to share ideas with other industry professionals facing similar challenges.

5) On 27 June 2023, we hosted an individual member GAIN event “Let's Talk - Transitions and Changes”. 

6) On 3 April 2023, we invited the founder of GAIN to deliver a talk on Neurodiversity for HR.

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