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Labour councillor objects to trans women using women’s bathrooms, quits

Ann Sinnott, a Labour councillor for Cambridge City Council, quits over a change in bathroom guidelines, reports Pink News

Sinnott, who sat on the council for four years, said the council was in “dereliction of the law,” and “insidiously dismantled” women’s rights by allowing trans women to use the women’s restrooms.

The council brought their bathroom policy into line with the Equality Act 2010, which protects trans people’s rights to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. The council updated their policies after it was brought to attention by Sarah Brown, a former Lib Dems councillor who became the only openly trans politician to be elected in the UK.

Sinnott wrote a letter to council chief executive Antoinette Jackson outlining why she believed the female bathroom should only be used by cisgender females, siting two anecdotal examples of male-presenting people using the women’s bathrooms. “Cambridge city council knowingly stands in dereliction of the law,” she said.

“I have no wish to be party to unlawfulness, nor will I collude in keeping this matter from Cambridge women, and other residents — they have the right to know.

“I do not want to be a member of a council that fails to recognise that female-only facilities are needed by women as a generality.

“Nor do I wish to be associated with a council that effectively treated Cambridge women with contempt, while it insidiously dismantled their rights.”

In response, Jackson said in a statement: “The policy has been in place for eight years and no one had queried the wording in that period and in June it was drawn to our attention that the wording wasn’t consistent with legislation.

“We are actively reviewing the policy but weren’t ready to take something to the June scrutiny meeting so will be discussing it at the next meeting in October to make sure any amendments we make are in line with legislation.

“I’m very sorry to see Ann resign as a councillor,” she added. “It’s always sad to see a councillor leave.”


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