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Lesbian Claims Police Didn’t Believe Her Rape Telling Her She Just Found It “Weird Being With A Man”

A lesbian student in Wyoming is suing the sheriff’s office after her claims that officers told her “it must be weird being with a man” after her rape accusations. The student accuses the officers of denying her rights because of “her sex, sexual orientation or sexual identity.”

The complaint states that the student was raped in 2017 and reported it to the sheriff’s office straight away, where two officers, inserted of starting an investigation, told her her allegation was a lie. The officers insisted that the man she claimed had raped her was a good guy” and that she shouldn’t ruin his life. Deputy Aaron Gallegos and Sgt. Christian Handley conducted a recorded interview with the accuser in February 2017. 

“This could potentially ruin him for 20 years down the line, be a sex offender for the rest of his life,” Gallegos said. “Would you want that to happen, spend 20 years in prison for an alleged rape when it was consensual, it was weird, it happened, but he didn’t rape you?”

Handley said that he was “curious as to how it wasn’t consensual” because the student said that she had had consensual sex with the alleged rapist the night before the rape.

When the student responded that alleged rapist held down her arms, Handley asked, “In a manner that was consistent with intercouse or a manner that’s consistent with somebody raping you and forcible having sex with you?”

The officers suggested that she only thought she was raped because she’s a lesbian.

“So here’s what’s gonna happen… I’m not gonna tell anybody,” Gallegos told the student. “Nobody would find out about any of this.”

Handley then told her that she will not face charges for false reporting.

“I felt like the perpetrator,” the student stated in a recent interview.

As ‘LGBTQ Nation’ reports, the student filed a lawsuit against the sheriff’s office and the two individual officers earlier this year but Judge Johnson removed the two officers as defendants, citing “qualified immunity,” which is the idea that government officials cannot be sued for most choices they make while working, but kept the lawsuit.

“Handley appears to believe if sexual activity is consensual at night, it is automatically consensual in the morning. He is wrong,” the judge wrote in his decision that allowed the suit to go forward. He also wrote that the transcript shows that the sheriff’s office “may treat lesbian women claiming sexual assault differently from straight women claiming sexual assault.”

“It is not only plausible, but clear Defendants failed to adequately respond to this sexual assault allegation, at least in part, due to sex-based stereotypes,” the judge wrote. “It is inconceivable [the two officers] would tell a straight woman that it must be weird being with a man.”

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