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Leslie Roberts Came Out On Air On Coming Out Day

Leslie Roberts, the well-known news anchor co-hosting the show ‘CTV Morning Live in Ottawa’ in Canada came out publicly in a segment of his morning show for Coming Out Day.

“I’m a news anchor who just happens to be gay,” he said in the segment. “I’m not a gay news anchor.”

Roberts has been out to friends and family since 1989.

What inspired him to publicly come out was Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson.

“As I look back over my life, and in hindsight, not coming out sooner was a big mistake on my part,” Watson wrote in an op-ed. 

“My reluctance has not allowed me to live my life as full of love and adventure as my gay friends who were bolder and braver than I ever was,” Watson wrote in his op-ed.

For his part, Roberts says he hopes this will deepen his connection with viewers. “I owed it to the audience to be more authentic,” he said. “I also owed it to my soul.”

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