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Massachusetts and Illinois set to include LGBT+ history in schools

Massachusetts and Illinois may be about to include LGBT+ history into their school curriculums. A new curriculum for Massachusetts schools was developed with the Massachusetts Safe School Program for LGBTQ Students and the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth. It will have lessons on the Stonewall Riots and have writings from authors like Langston Hughes and Willa Cather. The lessons won’t be mandatory but will be available to as resources to districts.


Commission director Corey Prachniak-Rincon explained the decision: “If students don’t see themselves in the curriculum, they are not as likely to pay attention. It is a huge demand we hear from teachers. They recognize part of the reason why LGBTQ students feel excluded is they’re not reflected and that part of their identity is ignored.”


While in Illinois, new legislation allows for LGBT+ history to be integrated into public school curriculums. Albert Williams, associate professor for the Theatre Department and activist, talked about how vitally important this new legislation was: “It’s an important piece of legislation [because] the history of the LGBT population in America has never been represented well in the education system. The situation, condition and existence of LGBTQ people throughout world history has been stigmatized. That stigmatization re-enforces negative self-images and self-understandings.”


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