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One Million Moms tries to get LGBT-friendly picture books banned

by Tim Gibson (mygwork)

One Million Moms strikes again, this time targeting children’s picture books featuring LGBT families. The small yet vocal group (despite its name has only 3,715 twitter followers, a majority of which are male) has lashed out at almost all forms of American media and business, from the Disney Channel to Target shopping centres, in their ongoing crusade to instil conservative Christian values. The pearl clutching group has now set their sights on Scholastic Inc. and their series of children’s books “Books for Two-Mommy Families” and “Great books for Two-Dad Families”.

The series includes titles like “Mommy, Mama, and Me” about a toddler spending the day with their parents, described as a “cheerful look at the daily activities of a family with two mommies.” As well as “And Tango Makes Three” based on the true story of two male penguins in the Central Park Zoo “adopting” a child of their own. 

In a prewritten email 1MM urges their members to send in to Scholastic, they say “As a parent and member of, I am urging you to please discontinue publishing and promoting pro-homosexual and pro-transgender books for children... You will not have my financial support as a consumer as long as you veer away from family-friendly material.”

Scholastic has yet to respond.


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