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Redefining Success for LGBTQ+ Professionals

Success is a term often loosely defined as "the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for." However, for LGBTQ+ individuals, navigating the landscape of success comes with its own set of challenges. Life and leadership coach, and DEI advocate at RELYTE, Tashan Nicholas, delves into the importance of understanding and redefining success for LGBTQ+ professionals, particularly given the unique perspectives and obstacles they face, and offers some tips on how to develop a success mindset to get ahead at work.


Success is a subjective concept, and for individuals to truly embrace it, they must first define what success means to them personally. Often, societal scripts dictate our understanding of success, but the journey towards a successful mindset begins with intentional self-reflection. LGBTQ+ individuals may find themselves grappling with heteronormative narratives that create a disconnection between societal expectations and personal reality.


Creating shared spaces for open conversations about success is vital. These shared spaces help normalize diverse definitions of success and foster a sense of community. LGBTQ+ professionals, being in the minority within many organizations, often lack dedicated environments for personal development. It becomes crucial to bridge this gap and empower underserved professionals by redefining success within the context of their unique experiences.


Representation plays a significant role in shaping our understanding of success. LGBTQ+ individuals often encounter a representation gap, as the conventional images of success may not reflect the diverse reality of the community. This lack of representation can lead many to craft their own definitions of success, which may not always align with the understanding of their non-LGBTQ+ counterparts and managers or leaders.


To address this gap, it is essential to create spaces that celebrate diversity and showcase a range of success stories within the LGBTQ+ community. This inclusivity helps in dispelling stereotypes and fostering a more comprehensive understanding of success.


Success is not just about actions and behaviours; it involves a deeper exploration of our values and beliefs. If we want to change our results, we must first examine and, if necessary, transform our thoughts, beliefs, and values. This inner work is crucial for LGBTQ+ leaders seeking success on their terms.


Changing behaviors and habits involves two key considerations:


·           Understanding Beliefs and Values: Behaviors are intricately linked to our thoughts, beliefs, and values. Uncovering these deeply held values is crucial in determining the results we want to achieve.


·           Habit Formation: Changing behaviors, especially repetitive ones, requires an understanding of habit formation. By delving into the science of habit formation, individuals can rewire their behaviors, aligning them with their goals.


Reflective practices, such as journaling or working with a professional coach, can aid in understanding values and beliefs. This process is particularly important for LGBTQ+ leaders, as shared spaces for reflection provide an opportunity to connect over shared values and experiences.


I am excited to announce an upcoming interactive workshop, in collaboration with myGwork, on November 30 at 16:00. This free workshop will explore the mindset needed for success and attainment. Participants will have the opportunity to examine the stories and beliefs that may be holding them back and work towards creating empowering beliefs aligned with their goals. The workshop aims to be a space for connection and the beginning of a journey towards achieving success on individual terms. I look forward to connecting with you all in this transformative exploration of success within the LGBTQ+ community. 

Click here to sign up for the free Success Mindset workshop from myGwork with Tashan Nicholas.


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