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Reflections from the Trans Community Wellness Session

Vodafone's LGBT+ Friends Network hosted a virtual Trans Community Wellness Session on Thursday March 28th 2-3pm, led by Cairo Nevitt (he/him) to mark Trans Day of Visibility, focusing on support, reflection, and mindfulness activities in a safe and welcoming space. They caught up with Kara Barratt, Billing Relationship Lead and Trans Lead for the LGBT+ Friends network, who shares her reflections from the session, what support is on offer for trans folk at Vodafone and her top tip for job seekers.

Why did Vodafone host a Trans Community Wellness Session?

For TDoV we usually put on events about the Trans Community, this time we wanted to do it for the community. It was a space for the Trans Community to focus on their wellbeing and support one another and know they are not alone in their journeys.

What did you get out of the session?

I realised I have not given myself enough time, I learned to try and take moments to breathe and disconnect from the stresses of life. And also to appreciate the positives I do have in my life. It was a very restorative and rejuvenating session delivered by an excellent and engaging host.

What support is there for trans/non-binary employees at Vodafone?      

At Vodafone, we have an array of support tools for our Trans & Non-binary colleagues, there are monthly calls for trans colleagues that are hosted internally as a safe space to connect and relate. Alongside this are calls for parents of trans kids so they can find other parents who are supporting their kids through their journey. We have a trans & non - binary toolkit which has guidance in place for colleagues to transition within the business, and guidance for how their managers can best support them.

I am also the Trans Lead for Vodafone UK, I host the aforementioned calls and am always on hand to support where I can. I help run events for the trans community as a member of our LGBT+ Steering Committee as well.

What advice would you give for trans/non-binary job seekers?

I would advise anybody to research their employer - do they have an LGBT+ Network already, are they inclusive, are they in Stonewalls Top company list? It's so important to work somewhere that you can be your authentic self and not feel like you need to live in the shadows in the place we spend most of our time.

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