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Rwanda "Lies" On Gay Rights As Activist Claims They Were Told To Assure Refugees

Rwanda’s leaders are scrambling to make the country appear safe for gay people, it was claimed yesterday.

A senior activist there told People he was approached by officials and asked to add his name to a statement giving assurances.

The move was seen as an attempt to whitewash abuses in the African country as Home Secretary Priti Patel presses on with plans to fly cross-Channel migrants there from Britain, according to the Mirror.

And veteran gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said it was proof Rwanda was “cynically trying to use Rwandan LGBT+ people for propaganda purposes.”

Our source was approached after reports that campaigners had major concerns for the safety of LGBTQ+ migrants if they were forced to live in Rwanda.

The man, who asked to remain anonymous for his own safety, said: “The Rwandan government wants to force the Rwandan LGBT+ movement to step up and say that we are OK and safe – they are aware that LGBT+ ­immigrants are refusing to come.”

He said he was approached in person with a demand to “write a statement talking about the LGBT+ community’s situation.”

He was told it would be published to send a message to ­refugees in the UK.

The activist added: “I was also asked to go and testify the statement publicly, but I refused. […] I am sure they’ll trick people and use straight people to lie. They are doing this in a secretive way.”

Mr. Tatchell, who set up campaign group OutRage! in 1990, said: “This is outrageous and typical of attempts by the Rwandan regime to disguise its failed protection of LGBT+ people. The country is not safe for LGBT+ people. There is widespread homophobic prejudice, discrimination, and threats of violence. Rwanda clearly fears that the asylum deal with the UK may fall through.

“I am concerned that since LGBT+ people are refusing to parrot government lies they may be subject to retribution.”

US-based Human Rights Watch has documented how Rwanda’s authorities arbitrarily detained, harassed, ­insulted and beat transgender and gay people in the capital city Kigali, where refugees from Britain would be housed.

The Home Office said its own assessment of Rwanda found LGBTQ+ people “did not face a real risk of persecution.”

It added Rwanda has “a track record of supporting asylum seekers, including working with the UN Refugee Agency which said [it] has a protective environment.”

Read related myGwork articles here:

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Organisations Supporting LGBT+ Refugees and Asylum Seekers

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