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Spotlight on excellence: celebrating Vodafone's People's Networks champions

Vodafone UK are spotlighting some of the brilliant people who commit their time to supporting their People’s Networks. Meet Ellen Eccles-Cross and Glen Morris, who delve into why Vodafone UK is a great place to work. 


Ellen Eccles-Cross 

How long have you worked at Vodafone?

6 years 

Give us an insight into your career so far.

I started at Vodafone as a Customer Care Agent before progressing to be a Team Leader in my 2nd year, where I thoroughly enjoyed running my own team and helping agents progress. In 2023, I joined the LGBT+ Steerco as the Events Lead and also was promoted in my day job to a Service Delivery Specialist. The past year has been amazing supporting the network in creating events to spread awareness and help our employees. I'm thoroughly looking forward to 2024 by continuing my role in the steerco. 

What made you join the network? 

I'm passionate about supporting my community.  

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself. 

I have a 1st degree in Performing Arts. If I didn't work for Vodafone I would probably be performing! 

How many countries have you visited? 

10 - My favourite was the Netherlands and I can't wait to go to Amsterdam Pride for World Pride. It's one of my bucket list items! 

How do you switch off after work? 

I enjoy reading and doing Cross stitch. I find this helps me wind down and relax after I finish work. 

Why do you feel that Vodafone is a great place to work? 

The focus on the employees is paramount to any other place I have worked. Our policies and procedures are aimed directly to the benefit and care of our employees and customers. I feel proud to work for a company where I can be out and proud to be LGBT+. I never feel ashamed to be me whilst working at Vodafone. 


Glen Morris 

What does your role entail? 

As a Programme Manager, my job is to help oversee and coordinate the various projects, products, and other strategic initiatives across the business. 

How long have you worked at Vodafone? 

As a pure VF employee, then 11 years (2012-2023), but if you include the time at Cable & Wireless prior to being purchased by Vodafone then 17 years in total (2006-2023).  

Give us an insight into your career so far. 

My career in project/programme management started in 2000 as a project coordinator within Cable & Wireless Communications, l took voluntary redundancy in 2003 where I had extended trips to Australia & New Zealand and learned to Skydive, Paraglide and Scuba Dive. I re-joined in 2004 and from 2009 to 2022 I was the project management SME for C&W’s then Vodafone’s 3 Digit Number (critical Infrastructure) services i.e. 101, 105, 111/NPFS (National Pandemic Flu Service) & 119 Covid Test & Trace. From 2022 onwards I gained a promotion to Programme Manager & I am currently managing the Allwyn 4th National Lottery programme within Vodafone, the largest single contract VF Business has signed. 

What People Network are you a part of? 

LGBT+ Friends Network 

What made you join the network? 

I’ve never really thought about it. I suppose we all crave the feeling of belonging, the need for support/validation, to feel part of something with others who have the same lived experiences as ourselves. The more I think about it, that’s ultimately why I joined the LGBT+ friends network.  

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself. 

What is or isn’t interesting is always subjective & what I think is an interesting fact, may be simply normal to someone else. But other than the fact that I’m an average 50-year-old man who’s spent the last 25 years (1/2 his life) with my husband/partner Mark, the only interesting thing(s) are that I’m a qualified Paraglider, Skydiver and PADI advanced Scuba Diver. I rock climb (though not as much as I used to) & my husband & I are Kennel Club Registered Bedlington Terrier Breeders. 

How do you switch off after work? 

It varies, it could be cooking a meal from scratch, baking, eating at my favorite restaurant, or enjoying a glass or 2 of good wine (Rioja in particular) or craft beer, or pottering in the garden or sitting in a comfy chair with a good book/listening to some music, vegging in front of the TV with Blue, our Bedlington Terrier on one side & husband Mark on the other. In most cases it’s simply a combination of all the above with my husband/partner of 25 years Mark. 

What are you most looking forward to over the next year? 

From a work perspective, it's continuing to manage/work with the team on the Allwyn 4th National Lottery programme & our joint challenge of commencing the delivery of 45,000 individual retail network connections to support the 4th National Lottery. From a personal perspective it’s the challenge of running, but also the experience of running 5 Ultramarathon’s ranging from 28 miles to 50 miles in England, Scotland & Wales in 2024, plus multiple half-marathons in Europe.  

Why do you feel that Vodafone is a great place to work?  

It’s due to the visible commitment across the business from the Chief Exec downwards to improving the overall environment & wellbeing of its employees. It doesn’t just pay lip service to its employees’ wellbeing; it delivers & is constantly striving to improve its offering & benefits. How many other companies are out there who actively encourage their employees to take 4 days out per year to focus on their mental/physical wellbeing. 

From a personal level, I have never felt I needed to hide or shy away from being who I am & this is because I’ve felt accepted from a peer-to-peer level & at a corporate level too. That combined with the focus on employees’ well-being makes Vodafone a great place to work.

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