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Straight Employee Fired From Indiana Catholic School For supporting Lesbian Coworkers

Kelley Fisher, a straight social worker in Indianapolis said she lost her job at a Catholic high school because she publicly supported two colleagues who identify as lesbians, according to ‘Forbes’. 

“As an advocate for social justice and against discrimination, I really felt, you know, propelled to make that public statement,” Fisher said about a Facebook post showing support for the women asking to change the language of employee contracts which prohibits the employment of people who are married to others of the same-sex.

The archdiocese, she said, is “trying to say anyone who works for a Catholic school, that we are ministerial employees, and yet I have no training in it, I’m not a priest, I'm not a minister, and they have tried to say I have had training and I am a minister.”

The archdiocese’s response was that it has a constitutional right to "hire leaders who support the schools’ religious mission.

"Catholic schools exist to communicate the Catholic faith to the next generation," the archdiocese said. "To accomplish their mission, Catholic schools ask all teachers, administrators, and guidance counselors to uphold the Catholic faith by word and action, both inside and outside the classroom.”

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