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Suspected Arsonist Who Burned Pride Flags Outside New York Gay Bar Arrested

Police have arrested a 20 year old man suspected of burning two pride flags outside New York’s only black-owned gay bar, reports The Daily Beast.


A flag was burnt on May 31 and again on July 8 outside the same bar, Alibi Lounge nightclub, both times were caught on CCTV.


“I have to say that what I find odd was the timing of both events,” the bar’s owner Alexi Minko said at the time.


“One was at the beginning of Pride and one was right at the end. One has to wonder if there’s a kind of message they’re trying to send.”


The incident and following media storm caused New York governor Andrew Cuomo to assign a special task force to investigate. They announced the arrest yesterday (July 9).


“It brings a sense of resolution and serves as a cautionary tale to anyone thinking of doing something similar not only to us, but to anyone who thinks of targeting anyone else for reasons of gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity,” Minko said.


“It is also a reminder that we live in a civilised world and more often than not you get the resolution you deserve. We’re really relieved to put this behind us and just move forward.”

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