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A Day in the Life with TD'S Nicole Godin

In this week’s 'A Day in the Life of...' interview, TD’s Nicole Godin provides an insight into their role as Project Control Analyst.

Hi Nicole! Tell us a bit about your role and how you got here?

I provide support to Project Managers on a number of different projects in a number of different ways. I was previously in the digital channels space and decided I needed a whole new role and got into the project management world to challenge myself.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Sipping drinks on the beach if I win the lottery! But seriously, career wise I am very interested in process improvement.

What does a typical day look like for you?

 There is no such thing as a typical day. Sometimes I'm running reports, sometimes I'm in meetings, sometimes I'm updating Clarity with important project health status information- it all depends on what the project manager needs.

What part of your role do you enjoy the most?

Collaborating with colleagues on the projects.

Which top three skills are vital for this role and why?

Time management, as you are managing your own schedule. Adaptability, as you'll have multiple projects and different demands for each one. Tenacity-  it's a challenging role to learn and it's important you can advocate for yourself and push to get the experiences you need to succeed.

What’s the most challenging aspect of your role?

Project management is a whole different world, with different terminology. There's a steep learning curve.

How do you help others feel like they belong in your team/promote inclusion?

Being out as non-binary, I have offered to answer any questions my team might have on the subject as I know it's a new term and new inclusion for people. Our team is also big on setting up coffee chats so that we all get to know one another.

Which podcast/Youtube series would you recommend to someone interested in pursuing a career in this area to help develop their skills/prepare them for the role?

Any video on both PDLC/Waterfall methodology and Agile methodology will help someone looking to get into this role understand the project management world better.

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