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Thailand To Legalise Same-Sex Marriage

Thailand’s cabinet recently approved a bill that would legalise same-sex weddings. The amendment to the country’s laws will be submitted to the parliament this month, according to ‘LGBTQ Nation’. 

The amendment to the Civil and Commercial Code will change the words “men and women” and “husband and wife” to “individuals” and “marriage partners.” The next step will be an amendment to the country’s pension fund law to recognise same-sex couples.

Image Credit: Canva

Two Asian countries recognise same-sex marriages, but Thailand will be the next to give citizens marriage equality. Only Taiwan and Nepal have granted same-sex couples equal rights currently.

Thailand has struggled with marriage equality legislation over the past few years. While it’s known as one of the most LGBTQ+-friendly countries, lawmakers have not moved beyond debate. The new government campaigned on the issue, promising to revive the effort and get the legislation passed.

Read related myGwork articles here:

Thailand’s Cabinet Approves A Marriage Equality Bill To Grant Same-Sex Couples Equal Rights

Thailand To Become First Southeast Asian Country To Legalise Same-Sex Unions

Trans Rights Groups Join Forces in Thailand For Proposed New Bill

First Trans Women Runs For Prime Minister of Thailand

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