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Two Gay Men “Executed On Charges Of Sodomy” In Iranian Prison

Two men were reportedly executed in an Iranian prison six years after being convicted of charges related to homosexuality.

The victims, who have been identified as Mehrdad Karimpour and Farid Mohammadi, were in the Maragheh prison in northwestern Iran at the time of their deaths, the Human Rights Network in the country reported.

On 30 January, the Iran Human Rights Monitor tweeted more details about the incident: “Two #Iranian men were executed today after being found guilty of charges related to homosexuality.

“#Humanrights websites identified the men as 32 yo Mehrdad Karimpour & Farid Mohammadi.

“They were arrested 6 years ago & were in Maragheh prison until their execution.”

According to The Human Rights Activist News Agency (HRANA), “sodomy by force” was the reason for the arrest of both men.

The executions fall against a backdrop of the Iranian regime operating the country under strict Sharia law and imposing death penalties on lesbian and gay people through the charge of sodomy, as Gay Times writes. 

Responding to the news, activist Peter Tatchell said that the executions show it is “time for #Magnitsky sanctions on Tehran regime for this & many other human rights abuses.”

Karmel Melamed, a journalist covering Iranian affairs, called on mainstream outlets and LGBTQ+ groups to report on the incident.

“The Ayatollah regime in Iran just executed two gay men for the crime of sodomy in Iran,” he explained on Twitter. “This is Mehrdad Karimpour and Farid Mohammadi who were executed by hanging. Where’s the outrage from @StateDept @SecBlinken @glaad & other LGBT groups in U.S. to this horrific crime?!”

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