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UK Education Secretary Says Parents Won’t Be Able to Veto LGBT+ Lessons

Education Secretary Damien Hinds has said in an open letter to the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers that parents won’t be able to take their children out of LGBT-inclusive lessons.


In the letter, Hinds says that: “I want to reassure you and the members you represent that consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content.

“We want schools to consult parents, listen to their views, and make reasonable decisions about how to proceed (including through consideration of their wider duties)—and we will support them in this.


“We trust school leaders and teachers to make the right professional choices and act reasonably when considering consultation feedback, and are clear that dedicated public servants faithfully discharging their duty have an absolute right to feel confident and safe.”


This reassurance comes following the controversy at a Birmingham school where mostly Muslim parents protested the inclusion of LGBT+ lessons that would teach children not to discriminate against those who were trans or were attracted to the same sex, or children of LGBT+ families.

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