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Ukraine Passes LGBTQ+-Inclusive Media Regulation Bill

Ukrainian lawmakers unanimously approved a media regulation bill that bans hate speech and incitement based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

“It’s a big step for Ukraine, to start adoption of our legislation to European values,” Olena Shevchenko, chair of Insight, a Ukrainian LGBTQ and intersex rights group, told the Washington Blade. “We hope our government will recognize LGBTQI people as equal as soon as possible.”

Since 2015, Ukraine has banned employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Image Credit: Pixabay

President Zelenskyy pledged in 2021 Ukraine would continue to fight discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity after he met with President Joe Biden at the White House. 

Russia on February 24, 2022, launched its war against Ukraine. Zelenskyy less than six months later said he supports a civil partnerships law for same-sex couples.

Read related myGwork articles here:

Ukraine War Bolsters Support For Same-Sex Marriage

Ukrainian LGBTQ+ Activists Fought And Captured A Group Of Russian Soldiers

Ukraine President Asks Government To Consider Same-Sex Marriages

Russian Church Leader Appears To Blame Gay Pride Parades For Ukraine War

OutRight Launches Fundraiser For LGBTQ+ People In Ukraine After Russia’s Invasion

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