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US Secretary of Education Avoids Condeming LGBT+ Discrimination in Schools

Betsy DeVos, the US Secretary of Education, has pointedly avoided answering a question on whether it is acceptable for LGBT+ students to be discriminated against in schools, reports Gay Star News.


While testifying before a House subcommittee on March 26, DeVos repeated said schools should not discriminate on the basis of “race, religion, and national origin.”


Openly gay Democrat Mark Pocanasked her: “I noted you never mentioned sexual orientation or gender identity. Do you think it’s alright for a school to discriminate based on someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity?”


“We have laws that cover discriminatory efforts, and our office for civil rights has continued to be very diligent in investigating any allegation of discrimination and will continue to do so,” she replied.


When pressed for an actual answer to the question she said: “We follow the law as this body has defined.


In the US, the law does not currently protect teachers or students on the basis of sexual orientation of gender identity.

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