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Israeli Air Force takes steps to be more LGBT-inclusive

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has started to take steps to quietly integrate LGBT-friendly policies. Ynet has reported that IAF manpower head Brigadier General Natan Yisraeli has been meeting with LGBT soldiers to hear their concerns and take advice on making the air force more inclusive.

The IAF has already created support groups and social events for LGBT soldiers and has held meetings in Tel Aviv with leading members of the gay community.

The IAF claims to have no problems with transgender soldiers either, with a senior air force officer commenting that “we know how to provide unique solutions for transgender soldiers who serve in the IDF, without harming the rest of the staff or mission readiness. There are quite a few pilots who came out of the closet without difficultly, including combat ones.”

These policies haven’t come without controversy, however, with Isreali’s Agricultural Minister Uri Ariel publically complaining: "Why is the IDF constantly promoting media reports about the integration of women, homosexuals and transgender people in the IDF?"

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